Over recent years, Mrs Barnes and the Friends of John Hampden have been discussing an outside learning area for the Year 2 children.

This would be the culmination of plans to provide a high-quality outside learning environment for all the year groups in the school. The Nursery class have their own outside space that was planned as part of the building work at the school in 2018. Foundation Stage has a large outside space which was funded and developed between 2010 and 2014 while Year 1 has a large canopy and outside structures that were funded by a National Lottery grant in 2017. Now, to give our Year 2 children the best possible environment for their learning and development we would like to build a canopy which would wrap around the Year 2 classrooms thus creating an outside learning area which could be used all year round.

For this to happen the school and the children need your help.

With this in mind, FJH has created a fundraiser called ‘Leaves for Learning’.

Leaves for Learning

We’re offering parents, guardians and family members as well as former pupils, staff, governors and the wider community an opportunity to purchase a wooden leaf or acorn, which will be added to a tree and displayed permanently in the school.

The leaves and acorns will be engraved with a name, a short message or dates and will remain there to be seen for many years by generations of John Hampden children and parents.

This is your opportunity to support the school and the children in a creative and fun way. The tree will become a permanent part of the building, displayed as a grateful acknowledgement of your support and generosity.

Please consider buying a leaf to help make this happen. Every child coming through the school would benefit from this outside learning area on a daily basis.

The Tree and the Leaves

Bob Duggan of Wendover Wood and his team of Wendover Shedders have very kindly agreed to make the tree, leaves and acorns. Bob will be at the May Fair with samples and will answer any questions you might have about possible inscriptions.

How to Buy Your Leaf or Acorn

You can donate anything from £10 for an engraved leaf. The acorns are for larger donations of £100 or more.

Please make payment on ParentPay

Alternatively, you can pay by bank transfer to the FJH (sort code 30-90-38 a/c no 02307696) and include “LEAF” or “ACORN” and your Surname in your reference.

Once you’ve paid, please complete the form here. This is really important so we know what you would like engraved on your leaf.

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